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ASME B31J pdf free download

ASME B31J-2017 pdf free download.Stress Intensification Factors (i-Factors), Flexibility Factors (k-Factors), and Their Determination for Metallic Piping Components ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31.
The ASME 83) Code for Pressure Piping and the ASME Iloiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Section III, Nuclear Components. Subsections NC and ND piping rules require the use of stress intensification factors (SIFs or I-factors) and flexibility factors (k-factors) when checking the adequacy of components and joints (welded and nonwelded) in piping subject to various loads. including cydic loads, that may produce fatigue failures. As used herein, where the word Code is used without specific identification. It means the Code that incorporates or references this Standard. Experimental methods o determine SIFs. flexibility factors, and sustained load factors are provided in the Nonmandatory Appendices. Compiled stress intensification and flexibility factor equations for common piping components are induded in Table 1-1: see also Tables 1-2 and 1-3 and Figures 1-1 through 1.7.
2 DefinItIons
flexibIlity faaor for branch connections and reducers, a ratio that defines the rotation of one end of a zero- or negligible-length element with respect to the opposite end of the same element when equal and opposite moments are applied at each end; br bends, a factor based on an effective length of matching pipe that increases the element flexibility to simulate the effect of bend ovalizatlon that applies over the entire arc length of the bend,
I-factor. same as the stress intensification factor. k-factor same as the flexibility factor.
pspe stress analyst: Individual responsible for the accuracy of i-factors, k-factors, and sustained load (actors used in the analysis of the piping system.
piping components: mechanical elements suitable for olning or assembly Into pressure-tight. fluid-containing piping systems. Components include pipe. tubing, linings, flanges. gaskets. bolting, valves, and devices such as expansion joints, flexible joints. pressure hoses, traps. strainers. In-line portions of Instruments, and separators.
stress intensification factor (SIF): a piping component fatigue strength factor that Is the ratio of the elastically calculated nominal stress in matching pipe that causes a through-wall crack to appear In a gwen number of cycles in a straight pipe butt weld to the elastically calculated nominal stress in the matching pipe used with the onlpo. nent that produces a through-wall crack in the same number of cycles In the component or attached pipe.
verified numerical analysis: typically, a finite element analysis ol a particular piping system component whose results have been verified against existing test data.
3 Document Contents
(a) Several different types of tests are often conducted on metallic piping components by the manufacturer or user of a piping component to demonstrate Code adequacy. These tests include burst tests, load-deflection tests (k-factor tests), SIF tests (6-factor tests) and sustained load tests. Multiple tests may be performed on the same specimen. For example. SIP tests can follow multiple k-factor tests, and sustained load tests can often follow SW tests when the specimen has been suitably repaired.
(b) Typical tests conducted as part of a piping component evaluation include, but are not limited to, the lolkwIng
(1) burst test
(2) SIF test (in accordance with Nonmandatory Appendix A)
(3) k1actor test (in accordance with Nonmandatory Appendix B)
(4) sustained load test (in accordance with Nonmandatory Appendix D)
Procedures for the tests In subparas. (2) through (4) above are described in the Nonmandatory Appendices in this Standard.
(c) Stress Intensification and flexibility lactors for metallic piping components are lnciudcd in Table 1.1 and were developed using the test procedures in this Standard and numerical methods.ASME B31J pdf download.

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