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ASME RA-S-1.3 pdf free download

ASME RA-S-1.3-2017 pdf free download.Standard for Radiological Accident Offsite Consequence Analysis (Level 3 PRA) to Support Nuclear Installation Applications.
Consequence modeling can therefore be defined as a set of calculations of the ranges of potential adverse impacts (in terms of probabilities of occurrence and magnitudes) that would follow from the dose received by humans due to a release of radionuclides. These adverse impacts, commonly referred to as “public risks,” include (I) early fatalities, (2) latent cancer littalities, (3) early injuries, and (4) non-fatal cancers. In addition, adverse impacts can occur due to contamination of property, land, and surface water. Consequence analyses may include assessments of the economic impact of dose avoidance strategies, such as relocation of population, land and structure decontamination, and interdiction of foodstuffs.
Consequence modeling provides the means for relating these risks to the characteristics of the radioactive release and has many actual or potential applications including the following examples:
(a) risk evaluation, generic or site-specific, individual or the general population
(b) environmental impact assessment
(c) rulemaking and regulatory procedures
(d emergency response
fr) development of criteria for the acceptability of risk
(/) instrumentation needs and dose assessment
(g) facility siting
(hi comparison with safety goals evaluation
(i) evaluation of alternative design features (e.g.. severe accident mitigation alternatives (SAMAs) analysis)
(1) cost-benefit analyses
A Level 3 analysis incorporates information including demography. emergency planning, physical properties of radionuclides. meteorology, atmospheric dispersion and transport, size of nearby structures. health physics. and other disciplines. Use of this information is detailed in this Standard.
While the primary use of this Level 3 PRA Standard is most likely to he for LWRs, the methodology is generally applicable to any type of radioactive niaterial released to the atmosphere for which the release characteristics can be defined. It is recognized, however, that there may he specific applications where the source term phenomenology and atmospheric dispersion are complex. Examples of potential analyses may include
(a) releases of dense and/or reactive gases (e.g.. UF6) that can have complex release and transport characteristics;
(b) releases of tritiurn or carbon-14. which behave differently in the environment (e.g.. deposition followed by re-emission): or
(c) energetic releases (i.e., explosions where momentum effects might be significant).
Although there may he available analytical tools for determining such consequences, the Supporting Requirements (SRs) in this Standard may not fully address such phenomenology. Section 3 of this Standard outlines a process by which the completeness of the requirements is assessed and supplemented to meet analytical requirements. This includes the selection of appropriate models. Additionally, Section 7 of this Standard provides peer review requirements to ensure technical adequacy of the analysis.ASME RA-S-1.3 pdf download.

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