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ASME QME-1 pdf free download

4 SUBARTICLES ; Subarticles are numbered in units of 100, such as QR-7100 or QV-7200. When more than nine subarticles are required, numbering is done by paragraph and units of 1 starting with 10.
5 SUBSUBARTICLES Subsubarticles are numbered in units of 10, such as QR-8310, and generally have no text. When a number such as QR-8320 is followed by text, it is considered 1 paragraph. When more than nine subsubarticles are required, numbering is done by paragraph and units of 1 starting with 10.
6 PARAGRAPHS Paragraphs are numbered in units of 1, such as QR- 8321 or QV-8322.
7 SUBPARAGRAPHS Subparagraphs, when they are major subdivisions of a paragraph, are designated by adding a decimal fol- lowed by one or more digits to the paragraph number, such as QR-8321.1 or QV-8321.2. When they are minor subdivisions of a paragraph, subparagraphs may be designated by lowercase letters in parentheses, such as QR- 8321(a) and QV-8321(b).
8 SUBSUBPARAGRAPHS Subsubparagraphs are designated by adding lowercase letters in parentheses to the major subparagraph num- bers, such as QR-8321.1(a) and QV-8321.1(b). When further subdivisions of minor subparagraphs are neces- sary, subsubsubparagraphs are designated by adding Arabic numbers in parentheses to the subsubparagraph designation, such as QR-8321.1(a)(1) and QV- 8321.1(a)(2).
9 REFERENCES References used within this Standard generally fall into one of the following three categories: (a) References to Other Portions of This Standard. When a reference is made to another article, subarticle, or paragraph, all numbers subsidiary to that reference shall be included. For example, reference to QR-5000 includes all material in Article QR-5000; reference to QR-7300 includes all material in Subarticle QR-7300; reference to QR-7320 includes all material in Subsubar- ticle QR-7320. (b) References t0 the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and t0 Other Standards. When a reference is made to any Section of the BPVC, or to other standards, it shall be understood to mean the designated article, paragraph, figure, or table in the designated document. All such references shall be identified in the text of this Standard by the document’s issuing source and the document’s unique identification number, e.g.. ASME II Subsection NF, IEEE Std. 627, or 10CFR50 Part A. If required, further reference to unique articles or paragraphs of the referenced document may also be described, e.g.. ASME II Subsection NF paragraph NF-3211.1(a). Each short reference made in the text shall be described in more complete detail in Article 3000 by issuing source, unique identification number, year of publication being referenced, and full title, e.g.. IEEE Std. 382-1980, Standard for Qualification of Safety Related Valve Operators. References listed without year of publication suggest that the latest version of the reference was utilized in the development of this Suan- dard. It should be noted by users of this Standard that regulatory requirements and Codes of Record for a particular nuclear power plant may take precedence over references used within this Standard, Section QR references applicable for both pumps and valves shall be described in Article QR-3000, while references unique to Section QP or QV only will be described in Article QP- or QV-3000, as applicable. (c) References to Appendices. Two types of appendi- ces may be used in this Standard, designated Mandatory and Nonmandatory. Both types of appendices are desig- nated by the prefix Q. This is followed by a letter, which is the same one used by the section to which the appendix applies, e.g.. QR. Mandatory appendices contain requirements that must be followed in qualifica- tion; such references are then uniquely identified by a roman numeral, e.g. Appendix QR-I and its specific title. Nonmandatory appendices provide information or guidance; such references are designated by a capital letter, e.g.. Appendix QR-A, and its specfic title.ASME QME-1 pdf download.

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