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ASME SA-479 pdf free download

5. Chemical Composition
5.1 Chemical composition shall be reported to the purchaser, or his representative, and shall conform to the requirements specified in Table 1.
5.2 When a product analysis is performed or requested by the purchaser, the tolerance limits as described in Secification A484/A484M apply unless Supplementary Requirement S3 is invoked.
5.3 Methods and practices relating to chemical analysis required by this specification shall be in accordance with Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology A751.
6. Grain Size for Austenitic Grades
6.1 All austenitic grades shall be tested for average grain size by Test Methods E112.
6.2 The H grades shall conform to an average grain size as follows:
6.2.1 ASTM No. 6 or coarser for Types 304H, 309H, 310H, and 316H,
6.2.2 ASTM No. 7 or coarser for Types 321H, 347H, and 348H.
6.3 For S32615, the grain size as determined in accordance with Test Methods E112, comparison method, Plate 11, shall be No. 3 or finer.
6.4 For N08810 and N08811, the average grain size as determined in accordance with Test Methods E112 shall bu No.5 or coarser.
6.5 Supplementary Requirement S1 shall be invoked when non-H grade austenitic stainless steels are ordered for ASME Code applications for service above 1000F [540°C].
7. Mechanical Properties Requirements
7.1 The material shall conform to the mechanical property requirements specifed in Table 2 for the grade ordered. At least one room temperature test shall be performed by the manufac- turer on a sample from at least one bar or shape from each lot of material.
7.2 The yield strength shall be determined by the offset (0.2 %) method as prescribed in Test Methods and Definitions A370.
7.3 Martensitic material supplied in the annealed condition shall be capable of meeting the hardened and tempered mechanical properties when heat treated.
7.4 Hardness measurements, when required, shall be made at a location midway between the surface and the center of the cross section.
7.5 Martensitic grades shall be capable of meeting the hardness requirer
8. Corrosion Testing
8.1 Austenitic stainless steels solution annealed by the alternative method shall be tested and pass the intergranular t corrosion test requirements described in S2.
9. Testing for Ink rrnctallic Conipounds
9.1 When specified by the purchaser in the purchase order. the manufacturer shall test thc auslenitic or austcnitic.fcrntic (duplex) stainless steel material in its final condition in accordance with supplementary test requirements S6
Nrn 2—Many, if nut all. duplex stainless slcels and some auslemlic stainless steels ssill form iniennetallic phases o’ mipounds such as sigma. dii, and lines phases when exposed to temperatures below the specified annealing temperature or cooled slowly (rum a higher temperature during casting, welding, or annealing. These phases can have a negafise effect on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. These phases can typically be rernosed by corro,-m annealing and cooling practices. The presence of these phases can he demonstrated by tests. typically involving metallography. impact toughness, or corns%iLm resistance, although the testing requirement’. may he different for different alloy grades. Such testing may or may nut he routinely performed by the manufacturer.
10. Certification
10.1 The material manufacturer’s certificate of compliance certifying that the material was manufactured and tested in accordance with this specification, together with a report of the results required by this specification and the purchase order. shall be furnished at the time of shipment. The certification shall be positively relatable to the lot of material represented.
Ii. Product Marking
II. I In addition to the marking requirements of Specification A4MIA4X4M. materials that have been heat treated or have been strain hardened shall be identified by placement of the following symbols after the grade designation:
11.1.1 Ausven#ic Grades: All grades in the annealed condition—A, Strain hardened Type 316. Level 1—SI. Strain hardened Type 316, Level 2—S2. Hot-rolled Type XM-19—H, Strain hardened Type XM-19—S. Material meeting Supplementary Requirement S 1—ELT (unnecessary for H grades). In addition to all other marking requirements of this specification, when SI is invoked, all grades in the direct quenched condition shall be marked “D.
11.1.2 Ausu’nitir-Ferri:ir Grades—All grades in the annealed condition—A.
II, 1.3 Ferriiie Grades—All grades in the annealed condition—A.
I I I .4 Marte,,sitic Grades: All grades in the annealed condition—A. Types 403 and 410—COND I, COND 2. or COND
3 as appropriate for the tempering temperature employed.
11.1.4,3 Type 414, S41500. and Type XM-30 tempered materials—T.ASME SA-479 pdf download.

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