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ASME 14414 pdf free download

ASME 14414-2015 pdf free download.Pump system energy assessment.
4.2 Assessment team structure, leadership and competency
The assessment team should comprise of personnel from cross functional backgrounds. It shall include:
— an assessor who has the pump system analysis competencies as described in Annex C:
— the hostorganization representative who has overall responsibilityand ownership forthe assessment;
— experts on the processes and the function of the system;
— experts on the maintenance practises of the pumping system;
— experts who can provide the team with cost data.
The assessment team may be from the host organization or enhanced by using outsourced specialists particularly considering the competence of the assessor
The host organization shall appoint the assessment team leader. This person may be a host facility employee or an external assessor. In small organisations, the team leader may be the competent assessor.
4.3 Facility management support
Facility management shall understand and support the purpose of the assessment.
Facility management shall allow assessment team members from the facility to participate in the assessment to the extent necessary.
The assessment team shall gain written support of facility management prior to conducting the assessment, as follows:
— commit the necessary funding. personnel, and resources to support the assessment;
— communicate to facility personnel the assessment’s importance to the organization.
4.4 Communications
Lines of communication required for the assessment shall be established.
The assessment team shall provide clear guidance to facilitate communications among members of the assessment team so all necessary information and data can be communicated in a timely manner. This shall include administrative data, logistics information, as well as operational and maintenance data.
4.5 Access to facilities personnel and information
The assessment team shall have access to:
— facility areas and pump systems required to conduct the assessment,
— facility personnel (engineering, operations, maintenance, …), their equipment vendors, contractors and others, to collect information pertinent and useful to the assessment activities and analysis of data used for preparation of the report,
— other information sources such as drawings, manuals, data sheet, maintenance records, test reports, historical utility bill information, computer monitoring and control data, electrical equipment panels, and calibration records.
All data initially identified as essential to the assessment shall be obtained in discussions with knowledgeable facility staff.
4.6 Assessment objectives, scope and boundaries
The overall objectives and scope of the assessment including portion(s) of the facility and boundaries of the system(s) that are to be assessed shall be discussed and agreed upon at an early stage by the assessment team.
The assessment team shall develop a list of site specific objectives for each pumping system, such as performance improvement targets.
4.7 Action plan
4.7.1 General
An action plan for the assessment shall be developed and agreed upon by the assessment team and system owners in order to facilitate the assessment and to make it clear to all assessment team members how the assessment shall be conducted.
The plan shall be flexible and should accommodate various outcomes depending on findings during the assessment, among others:
a) establish information objectives, in particular:
— determine system boundaries (see &4);
— review information that has been collected before the start of the assessment;
— identify how much is known about the systems and what information has to be obtained;
— start with a level 1 assessment (see 5.12);
b) identify informational objectives for the assessment (see 5Jj:
— determine how extensive the assessment is;
— identify the systems that are included in the assessment;
— identify what information is available and what Is necessary to collect;
— identify information that is available on paper records (such as logs) or in the facility computer
systems and what system parameters are necessary to measure;
— identify who is going to be involved and responsible for the collection of necessary data;
c) establish measurement requirements (see 16) in particular:
— identify whether a snapshot of the conditions is sufficient (level 2 according to Table 1) or if it is necessary to collect information during an extended period of time (level 3 according to Table 2)
— identify if permanently installed measurement equipment is available and trustworthy;
d) identify additional informational objectives and in particular true process demands (see 5.4);
e) identify the methods required to meet assessment informational objectives:
— identify how the data are going to be analysed, taking into account the recommendations
from Annex B
— identify tools/software programs that are going to be used;ASME 14414 pdf download.

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