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ASME B16.9 pdf free download

ASME B16.9-2001 pdf free download.ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE B16 Standardization of Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Gaskets.
This Standard provides fora Exed position for te welding ends wi rference to either the ceater lae of the fttings or te ovenll dimeasios. Dianensicenal requiremenes for these firtings rebe found m Tables 3 Uuough 12 and Tables n through 12 of Mandatory Appendix I
6.2 Special Dimensions
6.2.1 Fatigue Londing. For applicatons wbere farigue loading is a concer required minimamn din sions shall be furnished by the purchuser.
6.22 Bore Diameter. Bore dameters. away fuem the ends, ar mot specifed If special fow PAE rqit ments ne needed, the bore dime :Bons be specited by the purchaer.
6.2.3 Stub Ends. Service condtoes and jotnt co stucton ofen dictate stb end lenge reqpicemcs Therefore, the purchaser must specify long or short patters fiting whea ordering See General Note Gn Tables 10 and 19 7 SURFACE CONTOURS Were audjacent openinp in fntinge 2e not ia parilel planes, they shall be joised by circular 0m the etenal sufices. The are may be lenniouead h unpiol 8 END PREPARATION Unles otherwise specfhed, the detalsof t weling enl prepsrntion shall be im acordasce wi Table 1. Transitbons fevm the welang bervel to oubice suface of the ftting and from the POot face to te isile Ssrface of th ftting lying within te muimun enrelope shown in Fg I a the manufaetuer’sopeion eaxcepet covered i Note 65 of Fig 1 or ualess ctberise specibially ondered.
9.1 Required Tests Proof tests s be made a set forth in tis Suandard when the panufsturer cbooses proof testing to qualifty the fring design Unless othermise ared upoa betwee muesfacturer and purchaser, the proof shall be one besadon te coeputed bunsieg Pressure of the 6nring and comnecting piping.
9.2 Test Assembly 921 Representative Components. Ftings that arO reprcicoative of production and selocted for test shilbe ientibedas to materil, gade, and lol includ- ing heat tratmest They shall be inspected for dimet- sioel cocplissce 1o Dis Sundand 9.22 Other Components. Stnighat seamless or welded Pipe soctions wbose calculated bunding teagth is least grea 2 the prool e pressure a cakculated inpin 9.3 sthll be welded 10 each end ef the fting be eitel Aay interal misaligetmeat prealer han 15sm 0.06 shall be reducod ty taper boring at dope Bot OvEr 13. Length of Pipe lectios for dloswas x 25 fiolow Maioum lenge of Pipe thall be oe ppe OD. for NPS 14 (DN 350) and smaller.  ME-inum lengt of p shall be oc-half pipe OD. for NPS geateruan 14 (DN 350L 9.3 Test Procedure Test Duid shil be water or other liquid wed fer bydostatic isting Hydrostadc prescre sall be applied sscmbly. The test is Sacrsful if the assembly wibstind witout ngurc, 105% of the computed proof test Presure defned below.ASME B16.9 pdf download.

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