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ASME B30.19 pdf free download

Within the general scope dehned in Section I of the IiruducLiuii, the scope ol B30.19 applies to all load transportrng. hoislin. and luweiltig table-supponcd sys(ems operating tin and supoiied fiuiii hack cable(s). This Standard does not apply to skyline systems, as used in the logging industry. or slackline systems used for etcavating.
Section 19-0.2: Definitions
19-0.2.1 Typea of Cableways
fvrd tubkuy. a caLilcway cunsistilig of 1ied (iioiilulling) towers (masts) which support the track cable(s), Thc lowcr and upper load blocks arc supposted by a carnage powcrcd by inhaul and outhaul ropes to travel on the track cable(s). The function is to hit. lower. and transport loads a distance between the tower’. (sec Fig. I).
luffing eablewa a cableway similar to a tied cahlrwiy except the lowers (masts) are not tiiced. By the use at pawrret liilhn guys, the lowers macts) can he leaned in either direction transverse to Ih lr3ck cable(s) span. providing a lateral movement 0, the load block isee Fig. 2l.
parallel cablewav: a cahlew’ay similar to a lied Cablewa escept the towers are supported by wheels wliisii aic poweied lot lateral mosement on parallel tiack (see Fig. 3).
radial cabkwas. a cableway which has a tiAed tIiou lulling) lower and a tower sLppofled by wheels puwc.cd for travcl on a track which follows an arc a a radius about the fiscd tovcr (scc ri 4).
19-0.2.2 General
accessory: a secondr part or assembly of parts that contributes to the oserall iuiiction and usefulness of the machine.
administrative or regulatnrb authority govcmrncnla I agency. or the employer in the absence of €wemmcnial jurisdiction
appNnud; assigned specitic repnsitnlities by the employer or the employers representative.
uuthuri:ed. ap3nuvcd by a duis cimsututed administrjli ’c or regulatory authority.
brake: a device, other than a motor, used for rctaf ding or stopping motion by means of friction or powcr.
button line: a rope suspended between the top of the cableway lowers to position the slack carriers at predetermined locations as the trolley moves longitudi nally along the track cable. The button line is normally above and clear of the track cables, The buttons attached tO the button line are 0$ varying SILCS to permit some ot the slack camers In pass by while cIn1ipin the carrier designated (or that location.
cab: a housing provided br the operator in which the cableway controls are contained.
Luble..av. a device used ILH hoistuitg. lowering, and tIaiIsxiiting lvaui witl,ii a piesci ihed IidIII. luiigiiudi— nally and latcialty. The load block (uppc.) taascb uii a rope eatcuary sysLcm has ing part crld3 that are supported on ñcd or movable lowers (masts) or other elevated cupp&n1.
carriage (trolley): a framework that travels by its sheaves (wheel,;) on the track cable(s) and includes the upper load block.
disignaied: a person selected or assigned by the employer or the employers representative as being cornpe. lent in pertorm pecthc duties
dectRn4’r (nrrganal): the quilehed pernn or persons &signaled to design the components ot a cahleway for a given set of circwnstaiices relating in hut not limited to capacity. span. height. and terrain talso. sec manufacturer).ASME B30.19 pdf download.

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