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ASME BPVC.III.NCA pdf free download

ASME BPVC.III.NCA-2021 pdf free download.RULES FOR CONSTRUCT TION OF NUCLEARFACILITY COMPONENTS Subsection NCA General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2.
Requests for Code revisions or additions should include the following information:
(a) Requested Revisions or Additions. For requested revisions, the Inquirer should identify those requirements of the Code that they believe should be revised, and should submit a copy of. or relevant extracts from, the appropriate requirements as they appear in the Code, marked up with the requested revision. For requested additions to the Code, the Inquirer should provide the recommended wording and should clearly indicate where they believe the additions should be located in the Code requirements.
(b) Statement of Need. The Inquirer should provide a brief explanation of the need for the revision or addition.
(c) Background Information. The Inquirer should provide background information to support the revision or addition. including any data or changes in technology that form the basis for the request, that will allow the Committee to adequately evaluate the requested revision or addition. Sketches, tables, figures. and graphs should be submitted, as appropriate. The Inquirer should identify any pertinent portions of the Code that would be affected by the revision or addition and any portions of the Code that reference the requested revised or added paragraphs.
Requests for Code Cases should be accompanied by a statement of need and background Information similar to that described in 3(b) and 3(c), respectively, for Code revisions or additions. The urgency of the Code Case (e.g., project underway or imminent, new procedure) should be described. In addition, it is important that the request is in connection with equipment that will bear the ASME Single Certification Mark, with the exception of Section Xl applications. The proposed Code Case should identifythe Code Section and Division, and should be written as a Question and a Reply, in the same format as existing Code Cases. Requests for Code Cases should also indicate the applicable Code Editions and Addenda (if applicable) to which the requested Code Case applies,
(a) Requests for Code Interpretations should be accompanied by the following information:
(1) Inquiiy. The Inquirer should propose a condensed and precise Inquiry, omitting superfluous background information and, when possible, composing the Inquiry in such a way that a “yes” or a rio” Reply, with brief limitations or conditions, if needed, can he provided by the Committee. The proposed question should be technically and editorially correct.
(2) Reply. The Inquirer should propose a Reply that clearly and concisely answers the proposed Inquiry question. Preferably, the Reply should be “yes” or “no,” with brief limitations or conditions, if needed.
(3) Background Information. The Inquirer should include a statement indicating why the included paragraphs, figures, or tables are ambiguous or convey conflicting requirements.The Inquirer should provide any need or background information, such as described in 3(b) and 3(c), respectively, for Code revisions or additions, that will assist the Committee in understanding the proposed Inquiry and Reply.
If the Inquirer believes a revision of the Code requirements would be helpful to support the Interpretation, the Inquirer may propose such a revision for consideration by the Committee. In most cases, such a proposal is not necessary.
(b) Requests for Code Interpretations should be limited to an Interpretation of a particular requirement in the Code or in a Code Case. Except with regard to interpretinga specificCode requirement, the Committee is not permitted to consider consulting-type requests such as the following:
(I) a review of calculations, design drawings, welding qualifications, or descriptions of equipment or parts to determine compliance with Code requirements xl
(2) a request for assistance in performing any Code-prescribed functions relating to, but not limited to, material selection, designs, calculations, fabrication, inspection, pressure testing, or installation
(3) a request seeking the rationale for Code requirements
(a) Submittal. Requests for Code Interpretation should preferably be submitted through the online Interpretation Submittal Form. The form is accessible at http://go.asme.org/InterpretationRequest. Upon submittal of the form, the Inquirer will receive an automatic e-mail confirming receipt. lithe Inquirer is unable to use the online form, the Inquirer may mail the request to the following address:
ASMI Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee
Two Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5990
All other Inquiries should be mailed to the Secretary of the BPV Committee at the address above. Inquiries are unlikely to receive a response if they are not written in clear, legible English. They must also include the name of the Inquirer and the company they represent or are employed by, if applicable, and the Inquirer’s address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address, If available.
(b) Response. The Secretary of the appropriate Committee will provide a written response, via letter or e-mail, as appropriate, to the Inquirer, upon completion of the requested action by the Committee. Inquirers may track the status of their Interpretation Request at http://go.asme.org/Interpretations.ASME BPVC.III.NCA pdf download.

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