Home>ASME standards list>ASME BPVC.SSC.VIII.XII.II.V.IX pdf free download

ASME BPVC.SSC.VIII.XII.II.V.IX pdf free download

ASME BPVC.SSC.VIII.XII.II.V.IX-2021 pdf free download.Summary of Significant Changes in the 2021 ASME Boiler andI Pressure Vessel Code Sections VIII, XII, I|, V, and IX.
2.1 Pressure VesseLs IncLuded in the Scope of Section VIII, Division 2
(a) The rules of this Division may be used for the construction of the following pressure vessels. These vessels shall be designated as either a Class I or Class 2 vessel in conformance with the User’s Design Specification.
(1) vessels to be installed at a fixed (stationary) location for a specific service where operation and maintenance control is retained during the useful life of the vessel by the user and is in conformance with the User’s Design Specification.
(2) pressure vessels installed in ocean-going ships, barges, and other floating craft or used for motor-vehicle or rail freight. Forthese applications, it is necessarythat priorwritten agreement with the jurisdictional authorityhe established covering operation and maintenance control for a specific service. This operation and maintenance control must be retained during the useful life of the pressure vessel by the user in conformance with the User’s Design Specification. Such a pressure vessel as described above may he constructed and stamped within the scope of this Division. provided it meets all other requirements as specified with the following additional provisions:
(-a) Loading conditions imposed by movement of the pressure vessel during operation and by relocation of the pressure vessel between work sites or due to loading and discharge, as applicable, shall be considered in the design.
(-b) The User’s Design Specification shall include the agreements that define those aspects of operation and maintenance control unique to the particular pressure vessel.
(3) pressure vessels or parts subject to direct firing from the combustion of fuel (solid, liquid, orgaseous) that are not within the scope of Section 1, Section III, or Section IV. Unfired steam boilers shall be constructed in accordance with the rules of Section I or Section VIII. Division 1.
(b) The following pressure vessels In which steam Is generated shall be constructed in accordance with the rules of Section VIII, Division 1 or this Division:
(1) vessels known as evaporators or heat exchangers
(2 vessels In which steam is generated by heat resulting from operation of a processing system containing several pressure vessels, such as those used in the manufacture of chemical and petroleum products
(3) vessels in which steam is generated but not withdrawn for external use
2.2 Exemptions From the Scope of Section VIII, Division 2
The following classes of vessels are exempt from the scope of Section VIII, Division 2:
(a) vessels within the scope of other ASME BPVC Sections.
(b) fired process tubular heaters as defined in API RP560.
(c) pressure containers that are integral parts or components of rotating or reciprocating mechanical devices, such as pumps, compressors. turbines, generators, engines, and hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, where the primary design considerations, stresses, or bath are derived from the functional requirements of the device.
(d) structures consisting of piping components, such as pipe, flanges, bolting, gaskets, valves, expansion joints, and fittings, whose primary function is the transport of fluids from one location to another within a system of which It is an integral part, that is, a piping system. This includes the piping system between a pressure relief device and the vessel it protects.
(e) pressure-containing parts of components, such as strainers and devices, that serve such purposes as mixing, separating, snubbing, distributing, and metering or controlling flow, provided that pressure-containing parts of such components are generally recognized as piping components or accessories.
(t) vessels for containing water under pressure, including those containing air the compression of which serves only as a cushion, when none of the following limitations arc exceeded:
(1) a design pressure of 2.07 MPa (300 psi) (2) a design temperature of 99°C (2 10°F)
(,q) a hot water supply storage tank heated bysteam or any other indirect means when noneof the following limitations is exceeded:
(1) a heat input of 58.6 kW (200,000 Btu/hr)
(2,) a water temperature of 99°C (2 10°F)
(3) a nominal water-containing capacity of 454 L (120 gal)
(h) vessels having an internal or external design pressure not exceeding 103 kPa (15 psi) with no limitation on size. For multichambered vessels, the design pressure on the common elements shall not exceed 103 kPa (15 psi).
() vessels having an inside diameter, width, height, or cross section diagonal not exceeding 6 in. (150 mm). with no limitation on length of vessel or pressure.
(j) pressure vessels for human occupancy.
Nevertheless, any pressure vessel that complies with all the applicable requirements of Section VIII, Division 2 may be certified by the Manufacturer and stamped with the Certification Mark with the U2 Designator.
Section VIII, Division 3 of the ASM E BPVC provides requirements for the construction of new pressure vessels for use at pressures generally above 10,000 psi (70 MPa). Within Section VIII, Division 3, pressure vessels are containers of pressure, either internal or external. This pressure may be obtained from an external source or by the application of heat from a director indirect source, a process reaction, orany combination of those sources and methods. The design of the vessel is based on the requirement of having an adequate design margin against relevant failure modes under the stated conditions. The fulfillment of this requirement shall be demonstrated by calculations based on tensile strength, yield strength. fracture toughness, fatigue crack growth constants, fatigue strength, mill undertolerance on material thickness, and corrosion and erosion allowances.
Section VIII, Division 3 contains mandatory requirements, specific restrictions, and nonmandatory guidance for pressure vessel materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, overpressure protection, and product certification. Although Section VIII, Division 3 was formulated based on design principles and construction practices applicable to vessels designed for high pressures, it does not establish maximum pressure limits for either Section VIII, Division I or Division 2, nor minimum pressure limits for Section VIII, Division 3.
Section VIII, Division 3 is divided into Parts, Mandatory Appendices, and Nonmandatory Appendices. Part KG covers the general requirements applicable to all pressure vessels. Part KM covers the material requirements for pressure vessel construction. Part KD covers the design requirements for different design methods and construction types. Part KF covers the requirements for fabrication of pressure vessels. Part KOP covers the requirements for pressure reliefdevices used on pressure vessels. Part KE covers the requirements for examination procedures, repair oldefects, and related acceptance criteria. Part KT covers testing requirements. Part KS covers the marking and stamping of pressure vessels and the associated reports and records. The Mandatory Appendices address specific subjects not covered elsewhere in this Division, and their requirements are mandatory when the subject covered applies to the construction of the vessel. The Nonmandatory Appendices provide information and suggested good practices.ASME BPVC.SSC pdf download.

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