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ASME MFC-1M pdf free download

This Standard consists of a collection of definitions of those terms that pertain to the measurement of fluid flow in pipes. Only those terms of general usage have been included. Terms having unique meaning when applied to specific meters should be included in a glos- sary within the specific flowmeter standard.
1.2 Organization This Standard is organized so that all of the terms peculiar to a particular method of fluid measurement are collected together in a separate section. Terms per- taining to basic fluid flow concepts and properties are defined in para.
2. Terms pertaining to the estimate of uncertainty of a flow rate measurement are defined in para.
3. General terms applying to flowmeters are defined in para. 4. Terms relating to specific types of flowmeters are defined in paras. 5, 6, and 7. Symbols normally applied to various quantities are tabulated in Table 1. 1.3 References This Standard was compiled from many sources, including various reports and standards from The Amer- ican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), The American Gas Association (AGA), the American Petro- leum Institute (API), the Instrument Society of America (ISA), the British Standards Institute (BSI), and the Inter- national Organization for Standardization (ISO).
2 GENERAL TERMS IN FLUID MECHANICS 2.1 Base Pressure A specified reference pressure to which a fluid volume at flowing conditions is reduced for the purpose of bill- ing and transfer accounting. [It is generally taken a 14.73 psia (101 560 kPa) by the gas industry in the United States.]
2.2 Base Temperature A specified reference temperature to which a fluid volume at flowing conditions is reduced for the purpose of blling and transfer accounting. [It is generally taken as 60°F (15.56*C) by the gas industry in the United States.]
2.3 Base Volume Volume of a fluid at base pressure and temperature. 2.4 Cavitation The implosion of vapor bubbles formed after flashing when the local pressure rises above the vapor pressure of the liquid. See also flashing (para. 2.8). 2.5 Coanda Effect Effect that occurs when a jet of fluid adheres to a nearby solid surface. 2.6 Doppler Effect Apparent change in the frequency of radiation due to relative motion between a primary or secondary source and the observer. 2.7 Dynamic Pressure The increase in pressure above the static pressure that results from the complete isentropic transformation of the kinetic energy of the fluid into potential energy. It is equal to the product hpo, where p is the fluid density and 0 is the fluid velocity. 2.8 Flashing The formation of vapor bubbles in a liquid when the local pressure falls to or below the vapor pressure of the liquid, often due to local lowering of pressure because of an increase in the liquid velocity. See also cavitation (para. 2.4). 2.9 Flow Conditioner General term used to describe any one of a variety of devices intended to reduce swirl and/ or to regulate the velocity profile. 2.9.1 Flow Straightener. Flow conditioner inserted in a pipe to eliminate or reduce swirl. 2.9.2 Profle Regulator. Flow conditioner inserted in a pipe to reduce the straight length required to achieve fully developed velocity distribution. 2.10 Flow Rate The quantity of fluid flowing through a CrOSS section of a pipe per unit of time.ASME MFC-1M pdf download.

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