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ASME PTB-10 pdf free download

ASME PTB-10-2015 pdf free download.Guide for ASME Section VIII Division 1 Stamp Holders.
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 General
Pressure components present inherent hazards due to the potential energy of their content, especially for gas. As a consequence. most industrial countries have regulated these products for many decades.
This is the case with the European countries that have developed national regulations, which often vary significantly. Some arc very detailed (as in France), others contain only very general requirements (as in the UK). and some others have developed very detailed Conformity Assessment Procedures for Pressure Equipment (as in Germany). This profusion of different regulations leads to technical barriers to trade. In 1989 the EU decided to establish a Pressure Equipment Directive to eliminate these problems.
3.1.2 Intent
The PED has three intents:
(1) Adopt a common regulation for Pressure Equipment throughout EU.
(2) Eliminate the technical barriers to trade for this industrial sector and permit free movement of products throughout the EU.
(3) Ensure a high level of safety for Pressure Equipment throughout the EU.
The third intent is the most important one, as the PED has been built on this concept of safety level with the implementation of four Hazard Categories. Therefore, the PED is more a hazard-oriented than a product- oriented Directive. As a consequence, the PEL) covers only the pressure hazard. Other Directives may be applicable to cover other hazards.
Manufacturers must not forget that when they affix the CE Marking they implicitly declare that their equipment fully complies with all the Directives that apply to it.
3.1.3 Manufacturers
The liberal principles of the New Approach applied to the PED will lead to more freedom than before. The
Manufacturers will be free to select:
(a) their Notified Body: anywhere in the EU
thi (he Conformity Assessment Procedure: adapted to their fabrication
(cj) how they will comply with the Essential Safety Requirements: use of the European Harmonized Standard or a National Code.
3.1.4 Requirements
PED, like any European Directive, includes three types of requirements, which are:
(a) legislative, as contained in Articles I to 52 of the PED.
(b) devoted to Conformity Assessment Procedures (detailed in Annex III of the PED). which concern the responsibilities of Manufacturers and Notified Bodies.
(c) devoted to the equipment itself and are called Essential Safety Requirements (detailed in Annex I of hc PED).
3.2 General Concepts
The Pressure Equipment Directive was adopted on May 29. 1997 and published in the Official Journal of European Communities (OJF.C) on July 9. 1997 under the reference 97123/CE. This Directive came into force in November 1999 and became fully mandatory in May 2002. The PED 97/23/CE has now been substantially amended and replaced by Directive 2014/68/EU, issued 15 May 2014.
The two main purposes of the PED are as follows.
(a) Set up in all countries of the European Union (EU) a common regulation for all Pressure Equipment to ensure a high level of safcty throughout the EU.
(h) Allow the free movement of Equipment in the EU to remove the technical barriers to trade.
The purpose of this ASME Guide is to make the users familiar with the key elements of the PED.
3.2.1 Scope
The PED applies to all Equipment (pressure vessels, piping, and boilers) subject to a pressure greater than 0.5 bar.
(I) The application of the PED is fully mandatory in all countries of EU and has superseded the National Regulations.
(2) Any Pressure Equipment within the scope of the PED has to comply with it and bear the CE Marking.
t’3) The PED applies only to new Equipment. Equipment already in service is not subject to the PED, but will continue to meet the National Regulations.
Despite several exclusions, such as the nuclear field, this scope is very wide as it covers small products (such as pressure-cookers) as well as large industrial Equipment (such as chemical reactors or liquefied gas vessels). The PEE) applies only to new Equipment.ASME PTB-10 pdf download.

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