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ASME QAI-1 pdf free download

Part 1 of this Standard is for use with Section II, Division 1 and Division 3, of the ASME ( °ode,’ including applicable Addenda and Code Cases. 1-1 THE AUTHORIZED INSPECTION AGENCY 1-1.1 Qualitications An Authorized Inspection Agency is one designated by, or acceptable to, the appropriate legal authority of a state of the United States of America, or province of Canada, that has adopted Section l Division 1 or Sec- tion II, Division 3, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.!’ Such agencies shall meet the criteria of Section IlI, Division 1 or Section IlI, Division 3, of the ASME Code and of the National Board Rules for Com- missioned Inspectors.2 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be either: (n) a jurisdiction’ which has adopted and does admin- ister Section l Division 1 or Section II Division 3, of the ASME Code as a legal requirement and is qualified to be represented on the ASME Code Conference Com- mittee; or (b) an insurance company which has been licensed or registered by the appropriate authority of a state of the United States of America, or of a province of Canada, to write hoiler and pressure vessel insurance in such state or province. The insurance company shall show its capabiity to provide boiler and pressure vessel insur- ance coverage by being actively engaged in writing such insurance in one or morc of the states or provinces where so licensed or registered. The insurance company shall also obtain credentials (e.g. Certificate of Competency, jurisdictional commission) when applicable, for their Nuclear Inspectors and Nuclear Inspector Supervisors from the jurisdictionai authorities’ that have the respon- sibility of adninistering the boiler and pressure vessel laws in the state of the United States of America, or the province of Canada, in which the company is so licensed or registered, that have adopted and do administer Sec- tion I1. Division 1 or Section II, Division 3, of the ASME Code. 1-1.1.2 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall be accredited by the Society pursuant to the provisions set torth in Part 4 of this Standard 1-1.1.3 The Authorized Inspection Agency shall pro- vide authorized inspection service within such states or provinces by inspectors who meet the qualifications of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector as defined herein. 1-1.2 Duties An Authorized Inspection Agency’ shall perform the following duties. 1-1.2.1 Participale in the ASME surveys of organiza- tions for which they provide Authorized Nuclear Inspection. 1-1.2.2 Provide qualified Authorized Nuclear Inspeclors to monitor construction’ in accordance with the ASME Code Section II, Division 1 or Division 3, or both.1-1.2.3 Maintain qualified Supervisors to monitor the performance of the Authorized Nuclear Inspcctors and to audit the activities at nuclear shops and field sites for which inspection agreements have been made, in accordance with the requirements of 1-226. 1-1.2.4 Give written notice to all Authorized Nuclear Inspectors of the name, office address, and office and home phone numbers of their respective Supervisors. 1-1.2.5 Assure proper execution of responsibilities. In particular, the Agency shall: (a) establish and implement an internal program which shall provide assurance that those of its employ- pPs holding the positions of Supervisor and Authorized Nuclear Inspector perform work in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of this Standard. This program shall be documented by written policies, procedures, or instructions and shall be carried out throughout the life term of any agreerment covering inspectiuns required by the ASME Code, in accordance wilh the program. The program shall provide for indoctrination and training of personncl performing such activitics, as necessary, to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and main- tained. (b) provide instructions in writing to Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and their Supervisors, specifying their respective duties and responsibilities. (c) provide instructions in writing to Authorized Nuclear Inspectors requiring them to immediately con- tact their Supervisor whenever the Inspector is unable to readily resolve any question concerning ASME C ode compliance, manufacturing procedure, or quality assur- ance provision or its implementation. Instructions should be included as a reminder to the Authorized Nuclear inspecior thatl he has the authorily and the duiy to refuse to sign any Data Reports involving noncon- formance with the ASME Code.ASME QAI-1 pdf download.

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