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ASME RAM-1 pdf free download

ASME RAM-1-2020 pdf free download.Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability of Equipment and Systems in Power Plants.
The purpose of this Standard is to meet the owner’s power plant RAM performance goals. This Standard requires the owner to determine those goals and the criteria to achieve them. To this end, it identifies program requirements that support effective reliability processes In design, construction and commIssionIng, and operations. It requires a risk-based approach to design and provides requirements to optimize perfor. mance effectively throughout the life cycle of the power plant.
availability: a measure of the degree to which an item is in an operable state and can be committed at the start of a mission when the mission is called for at an unknown (random) point in time; or the ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions, at a given instant of time or during a given time interval, assuming that the required external resources are provided. Availability is measured by the user and is a function of how often failures occur and corrective maintenance Is required, how often preventive maintenance is performed, how quickly indicated failures can be isolated and repaired, how quickly preventive maintenance tasks can be performed. and how much logistics support delays contribute to downtime.
basis of design (BOD): the underlying assumptions and requirements that support the physical plant design.
boundaries: the interfaces that define where each system begins and ends. For a typical plant. the boundaries include physical, mechanical, and electrical isolation physical points, e.g., isolation valves or piping locations, heat exchanger tube bundle interfaces, electrical breakers, or switch or termination points. This Standard requires system boundaries to be defined,
condition assessments: judgements used to assess the state of equipment to determine the need to perform applicable maintenance; also called predictive activities.
condition-based response: an initiative taken after a structure, system, or component has failed to function in order to restore It to an acceptable condition. Also called corrective maintenance.
condition monitoring: used to trend degrading conditions of a structure, system, or component that is not readily revealed by unavailability, reliability, and plant-level indicators for which advance awareness of degradation is needed. Some types of condition monitoring are vibration characteristics, temperature, acoustics, and electrical parameters.
corrective maintenance: see condition-based response
criticality: the relative importance of tasks, equipment. systems, or components and their contributions to the mission.
design basis: see basis of design.
failure finding tests: used to assess operational capability (operability) of standby or redundant equipment.
failure mode analysis (FMA): an assessment addressing how a structure, system, or component can fail; what can cause the failure; what the likelihood of failure is; what the consequences of failure are; and ways to mitigate the failure. The means are mainly through detection, maintenance, or design redundancy.
hard-time maintenance: the upkeep of equipment with known time-dependent aging characteristics. These consist primarily of explicit rework or replacement tasks. Hard time can include compound tasks that comprise equipment overhauls. Also called time-based maintenance.ASME RAM-1 pdf download.

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