ASME SA-135 pdf free download
ASME SA-135-SA-135M-2021 pdf free download.Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe.
7. Product Analysis
7.1 An analysis may be niade by the purchaser on samples of pipe selected at random and shall conform to the requirement,’ specified in Table 2. Methods and Practices relating to chemical analysis shall 1w in accordance with Test Mcthod. Practices, and Terminology A75 I.
S. Mechanical Properties kequl rvnwnls
8.1 Tensile Pmperties:
8.1.1 The material shall conform to the requirements as to tensile properties prescribed in Table I.
8.1.2 The yield strength shall be determined by the offset method utilizing 0.2 % of the gauge length or by the total e5tcnsion under load method using 0.5 % of the gauge length.
8.1.3 Longitudinal test specimens shall 1w full-size longitudinal test specimens (see Figure A2.l of Test Methods and
Detimtions A370) or longitudinal strip test specimens (see
Specimen No. 4 in Fig. A2.3 of Test Methods and Definitions
A370 f.
8.2 The test specimen taken across the weld shall show a tensile strength not less than the minimum tensile strength specified for the grade of pipe ordered. This test will not be required ftr pipe under NPS 8 FDN 20(Jl.
9. Flattening lest
9.1 A specimen at least 4 in. (1(X mml in length shall be flattened cold between parallel plates in three steps with the s,reld located either 0 or 900 from the line of direction of force as required in 9.2. During the first step, which is a lest for ductility of the weld, no cracks or breaks on the inside or outside surfaces shall occur before the distance between the plates is less than two thirds of the original outside diameter of the pipe. As a second step. the flattening shall be continued. l)unng the second step, which is a test for ductility exclusive of the weld, no cracks or breaks on the inside or outside surfaces shall occur before the distance between the plates is less than one third of the original outside diameter of the pipe hut is not less than five times the wall thickness of the pipe. During the third step. which is a test for soundness, the flattening shall be continued until the specimen breaks or the opposite walls of the pipe meet. Evidence of laminated or unsound material or of incomplete weld that is revealed during the entire flattening test shall be cause for rejection.
9.2 For pipe produced in single lengths. the flattening test specified in 9.1 shall be made on both crop ends cut from each length of pipe. The tests from each end shall he made alternately with the weld at 0 and at 90’ from the line of direction of force. For pipe produced in multiple lengths. the flattening test shall be made on crop ends representing the front and back of each coil with the weld at 90 from the line of direcuon of force. and on two intennediate rings representing each coil with the weld 00 from the line of direction of force.
9.3 Surface imperfections in the test specimen before flattening. but revealed during the first step of the Ilattening test, shall be judged in accordance with the finish requirements in Section 13.
9.4 Superficial cracks as a result of surface imperfections shall not be cause for rc,jcction.
10. H’d,mtatic Test
10.1 Except as provided for in 10.3, each length of pipe shall he hydrostatically tested at the mill, without leakage through the wall, to a pressure calculated from the following equation:
P • 25:/i)
P = minimum hydrostatic test pressure, psi. IkPaI. The test pressure need not exceed 2500 psi 117 200 kPaj.
S = allowable fiber stress IX (XX) psi 1124 (XX) kPal for Grade A and 21 000 psi (145 000 kPaJ for Grade B. This does not prohibit testing at higher pressure at the manufacturer’s option.
= specified wall thicknesi. in. 1mm I. and 1) = specified outside diameter, in. Immi.
Plain end pipe may he tested at the discretion ol the manufacturer in single lengths or in multiple lengths.
10.2 The hydrostatic pressure shall be maintained ftw not less than 5 s.
10.3 When specified in the order, pipe may be furnished without hydrostatic testing. and each length so furnished shall include with the mandatory marking the letters “NH.”
Non 3—This pmvisiol i, no iinenikd to apply lo ligl wall Schedule 10) p’ tisted in 1bIc Xl.l.
10.4 When the hydrostatic test has been omitted, the certification shall clearly state “Not Hydrostatically Tested.” The specilicalion number and material grade. as shown on the certification, shall be followed by the letters “NH.”ASME SA-135 pdf download.