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ASME SA 194 pdf free download

ASME SA 194-2017 pdf free download.Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both.
3. Tenninolog
3.1 Definirion.c of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.1.1 Austenitic Grades—All grades with a prefix of “8” or
3.1.2 Ferritic Grades—Grades I. 2. 2H. 21-IM, 3.4.6, 6F. 7.
7M. and 16.
3.1.3 Lot—Unless otherwise specified (see Discussion below), a lot is the quantity of nuts of a single nominal size and grade produced by the same manufactunng process. Discussion—When Supplementary Requirement S5 is invoked on the purchase order, the following definitions of a lot shall apply: For Grade 8 Nuts—The quantity of all the nuts of a single nominal diameter and grade made from the same heat of steel and made by the same manufacturing process. For All Other Grade Nuts— (sec 8,2 and X.l.2.I)—.-AlI the flLILS of a single nominal diameter and grade made from the same heat number and heat tn’ated in the same batch if hatch-type heat treating equipment is used or heat treated in the same continuous run of not more than 8 h Linde. the same conditions ii continuous4ype heat treating equipment is used.
3.1.4 T’vpe
3.I.4.l For Grade 8 Nuts—Variations within the grade designated by a letter and dilierentiated by chemistry and by manufacturing process. for Grade 6 Nuts—Variations within the grade designated by the letter F as differentiated by chemical additions made for machineahility.
3.1.5 Series—The dimensional relationship and geometry of the nuts as described in ASME H 18.2.2 or H lX.2.4.6M.
4. Ordering Information
4,1 The inquiry and order for material under this specification shall include the following as required to describe the material adequately:
4.1.1 Specification designation. year date, and grade, issue date and revision letter.
4.1.2 Quantity. number of pieces.
4.1.3 Dimensions (see Section 9),
4.1.4 Options in accordance with, 9.1,9.2. 10.3, and 12. and
4.1.5 Supplementary Requirements, if any.
4.2 Coi.uing.c—Coatings are prohibited unless specified by the purchascr (sce Supplementary Rcquircments S7 and S8). When coated nuts are ordered, the purchaser should take special care to ensure that Appendis X2 is thoroughly understood.
4.3 See Supplementary Requirement S3 for nuts to be used in low temperature applications (Specification A320/A320M).
4.4 P.wf Lrnsd Tering—Sec Supplementary Requirement
59 for proof load testing of nuts manufactured to dimensions and conhigurations other than those cosered in Tables 3 and 4.
5. Common Requirements
5.1 Material and fasteners supplied to this specification shall contomi to the requirements of Specification A962/A962M. These requirements include test methods, finish, thread dimensions, marking. certification, optional supplementary requirements. and others. Failure to comply with the requirements of Specification A962/A962M constitutes nonconformance with this specification. In case of conflict between the requirements of this specifIcation and Specification A962/ A962M, this specification shall prevail.
6. Manufacture (Process)
6.1 Stainless steels for all types of’ (irade 6 and 8 nuts shall be made by one of the following processes:
6.1.1 Electric-turnace (with separate dega.ssing and refining optional).
6.1.2 Vacuum induction furnace, or
6.1.3 Either of the above followed by eleetroslag remelting. or consumable-arc remelting.
6.2 The steel producer shall exercise adequate control to eliminate excessive unhomogencity. nonmetallics. pipe. porosity. and other defects.
6.3 Grades I and 2 nuts shall be hot or cold forged, or shall be machined from hot-forged, hot-rolled, or cold-drawn bars,
6.3.1 All Grade I and 2 nuts shall be stress-relief annealed at a temperature of at least lotX) F 1538 “CI after forming or machining from bar with the following exceptions: Nuts made by hot forging. Nuts machined from hot-forged or hot-rolled bar. Nuts machined from hot-forged/hot-rolled and cold- finished (max lO’f reduction in area) bar. Nuts machined from cold-drawn and annealed (miii 1000 °F I53 CJ) bar.
6.3.2 Grade I and 2 nuts made by hot forging or by machining from hot-forged or hot-rolled bars need not be given any stress relief annealing treatment.
6.4 Grades 21!, 211M. 3, 4, 6, 6F, 7, 7M. and 16 nuts shall be hot- or cold-forged or shall he machined from hot-forged. hot-rolled, or cold-drawn bars and shall he heat treated to meet the required mechanical properties. l’hcsc grades shall be uniformly reheated to the proper austenitizing temperature (a group thus reheated being known as a quenching charge) and quenched under substantially uniform conditions br each quenching charge and tempered as shown below. Grades 2H.ASME SA 194 pdf download.

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