ASME SA-334 pdf free download
6. Heat Treatment
6.1 All seamless and welded tubes, other than Grades
8 and II. shall be treated to control their microstructure in accordance with one of the following methods:
6.1.1 Normalize by heating toa uniform temperature of not less than l550”F 1845°CI and cool in air or in the cooling chamber of an atmosphere controlled furnace.
6.1.2 Normalize as in 10.1.1. and, a the discretion of the manufacturer. reheat to a suitable tempering temperaturc.
6.1.3 For the seamless process only. reheat and control hot working and the temperature of the hot-finishing operation to a finishing temperature range from 1550 to 1750°F 1845 to 955°C1 and cool in a controlled atmosphere furnace from an initial temperature of not less than 1550°F
6.1.4 Treat as in 6.1.3 and, at the discretion of the manufacturer, reheat to a suitable tempering temperature.
6.2 Grade 8 tubes shall be heat treaed by the inmufacturer by either of the following methods.
6.2.1 Quenched and Tempered — Heat to a uniform temperature of 1475 ± 25°F 1800 ± l5°C1; hold at this temperature for a minimum time in the ratio of I h/in. 12 mm/mm) of thickness, hut in no case less than 15 mm:
quench by immersion in circulating water. Reheat until the pipe attains a uniform temperature within the range from 1050 to I 125°F 1565 to 605°CJ: hold at this temperature for a minimum time in the ratio of I h/in. [2 niin/mml of thickness, hut in no case less than IS miii; cool in air or water quench at a rate no less than 300UF 1l65CJ/h.
6.2.2 Double Normalized and Tempered Heat to a uniform temperature of 1650 ± 25°F 1900 ± 15°C); hold at this temperature for a minimum time in the ratio of I h/in. [2 min/mml of thickness, but in no case less than IS mm: cool in air. Reheat until the pipe attains a uniform temperature of 1450 ± 25°F 1790 ± l5CI; hold at this temperature for a minimum time in the ratio of I h/in. 12 mm/mm) of thickness, but in no case less thaii IS mm; cool in air. Reheat to a uniform temperature within the range from 1050 to 112SF 1565 to 6O5CI: hold at this temperature for a minimum time of I h/in. 12 min/mnmI of thickness hut in no case less than IS mm: cool in air or water quench at a rate not less than 3OOF Ll65CJ/h.
6.3 Material from which impact specimens are obtained shall be in the same condition of heat treatment as the finished tubes.
6.4 Whether to anneal Grade II tubes is per agreement between purchaser and supplier. When Grade II tubes are annealed they shall be normalized in the range of 1400 to 1600-F 1760 to 870°CI.
7. Chemical Composition
7.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table 1.
7.2 When Grades I or 6 are ordered under this specification. supplying an alloy grade that specilically requires the atklifion of any element other than those listed for the ordered grade in Table 1 is not permitted. However, the addition of elements required for the deoxidation of the steel is permitted.
K. Product Anal’,sis
8.1 An analysis of either one billet or one length of flat-rolled stock or one tube shall be made for each heat. The chemical composition thus detennined shall confonn to the requirements specified.
8.2 lithe original test for product analysis fails. retests of two additional billets, lengths of flat-rolled stock, or tubes shall be made. Both retcsts. for the elements in question, shall meet the requirements of the specification: otherwise all remaining maerial in the heal or lot shall be rejected or. at the option of the manufacturer, each billet. length of flat-rolled stock, or tube may be individually tested for acceptance. l3illes. lengths of flat-rolled stock. or tubes which do not meet the requirements of the specification shall he rejected.
9 Sampling
9.1 For flattening. flare, and flange requirements. the term lot applies to all tubes prior to cutting of the same nominal size and wall thickness which are produced from the same heat of steel. When final heat treatment is in a batch-type furnace, a lot shall include only those tubes of the same size and from the same heat which are heat treated in the same furnace charge. When the final heat treatment is in a continuous furnace, the number of tubes of the same size and from the same heat in a lot shall be determined from the size of the tubes as prescribed in Table 2.ASME SA-334 pdf download.