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ASME SB163 pdf free download

ASME SB163-2015 pdf free download.SPECIFICATIOn FOR SEAMLESS NICKEL AND NICkEl ALLOY CONdENSER and HEAT-EXCHANGER TUBES. Roiling or srpa,iding mw lube SheeLs. Welcli,,g or ø-r iniProcess to he cnlployed.
4. 1.5.5 11vdroxw,i Tc.ct or Nr,,ulextruiise Eleceric Tr.cK—Specify type of lest (6.5).
4. I .5.6 Prrxsu re Requirernrnfs If other I hart required by 6.5. Ends—Plain ends cut and dehurred will he furnished.
4. 1.6 Suple,,,eiicorv Rwquirr1nrn1.c—S tate nature and details.
4.1.7 CCrfIJILarion—Certltlcarlon is required (SeetIL)fl IS).
4.1_K Sosnples for Produc, (Check) ,lnal six Whether samples for product (check) analysis shall he furnished.
4.1.9 l’urchsi,xer Inspectin,, II purchaser wishes to s’itness icst% or snslection of ,,iuierial at place ol ittanufac— ture. the purchase order must so state indicating which testS or inspections are to he witnessed (Section 13).
4.1.10 DELETED
5. Chemicul Composlt Ion
5.1 The material shall clnfornl to the coniposilion lint— its specified in Table I.
5.2 If a product (check) analysis is erformed by the purchaser, the material shall contoriti to the product (check) analysis per Specification B 1(80.
6. Nlechanlcal PropertIes und other Requirements
6_I Mecbo,,hol P,rit’,-:ies—The material shall conform to the mechanical propeilies specified in Table 3.
6.2 Hcird,,e.s.s—Whcei annealed ends are specified ku tubing in the stiess—rel.eved cs,nditi.,n (see lable 3). the hardness of the ends alter aitsicaling shall not exceed the alues specified iii Table 3.
6.. Finre- —A flare lest shall he made on one end of I of the number of finished tithe lengths from each lot, )or less than 1(8) tubcs in a lot. a flare lest shall he made on one nd of one ILabe length in the lot. In th case of stress relieved tubing with annealed ends, the test shall he made prior to. or subsequent to. annealing of the ends at the option of’ the manufacturer.
6.3,1 ilac flare test shall consist of flaring a lest specimen with an expanding tool having an included angle of 60 until the specified outside diameter has been increased by 30f. The flared specimen shall not exhibit cracking through the wall.
6.4Grain Size– A transverse sample representing full- wall thickness of annealed alloys UNS NO8 120, UNS N0881O and UNS N0881 1 shall conform to an average grain size of ASTM No. 5 or coarser.
6.5 Hydrostatic or Nondestructive Electric Test一Each tube shall be subjected to either the hydrostatic test or the nondestructive electuric test. The type of test to be used shall be at the option of the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified in the purchase order.
6.5.1 Hydrostatic Test: Each tube with an outside diameter % in. (3.2 mm) and larger and tubes with wall thickness of 0.015 in. (O.38 mm) and over shall be tested by the manufacturer to an internal hydrostatic pressure of 1 O00 psi (6.9 MPa) provided that the fiber stress calculated in accordance with the following equation does not exceed the allowable fiber stress. S. indicated below. The tube shall show no evidence of leakage.
7. Dimensions and Perm issible V ariations
7.1 Outside Diameter and Wall Thickness一The per- missible variations in the outside diameter and wall thick- ness of tube shall not exceed those prescribed in Table 4 as applicable. (See also Table 5 and Table 6.)
7.2 Length 一When tube is ordered cut-to- length, the length shall not be less than that specified, but a variation of plusin. (3.2 mm) will be permitted, except that for lengths over 30 ft (9.1 m), a variation of plus % in. (6.4 mm) will be permitted.
7.3 Straightness– Material shall be reasonably straight and free of bends or kinks.ASME SB163 pdf download.

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