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ASME Y14.40.3 pdf free download

This Standard specifies graphical symbols for tuflctiL)fla l connections, mechanical links, pipelines, and related de%iwssult as tu.ediuit juitits, ISO pwLs, Le,rnirials, quick-rclcasc couplings, and connectors, in diagrams.
Fnr the fundamental rules of creation and application of graphical symbols in diagrams. see ASMI Y14.40.U.
for an overview of the ASME Y14.40 series, informat on on the ueaLion and use of regisitation numbers fur identifying graphical symbols used in diagrams, rules for the presentation and application of these symbols, and examples of their use and application, see ASME
The following references contain provisions which, thmugh reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. I-or dated reterences, subsequent amendmcnls to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. I lowever, parties Lu iieeu,cftls based ott this Standard arc encouraged to investigatc the possibility of applvirtg the most recent editions of the references indicated below For tmdated references, the latest edition applies.
ASME Y14.40.0, Ba’ic Rules fur the Design of Graphical Symbols for L.se in the Technical Documentation of Product
ASME Y14.40.1, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams, Part 1 (,t’neral lntnrniM-inn and lndpwps
Publisher The American Society of Mechanical Engneers(ASMI-. International), 1 hrpe I’ark Avenue, New York NY 10016-5990; Order Department: 22 Law Dric, P0. Bv 2900, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2900
ISO 2553, Welded, brazed and soldered lomb Sym bolic representation on drawings’
ISO 4063. Welding and allied processes — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers’
Piihlisher International ani’atinn for Standardi7a- tion (ISO). 1 rue de Varembé. Case Postale 56 CH-1211, Geneve 20, Switzerland/Suisse
tnr the purpncs of this Standard, th tollowing trnic and definitions apply:
NOTE. In Ihoe cacs i.hci the .onie kim ha’, z.ulLaiitall Jiffrimt nwaning% in ISO and IF(, this is ind,cate4 beside the frrn by ILsOlur LIEd and eêsewhere In this Standard 1w a supcmcrtpi, for ekmpIe, ‘port.”
connection: general term br lunclinnal connection, mechanical link, pipeline. electric conducton etc.
3.2 functto:uil conneLIwri. LuriEwtt in bvtwen functions.
NOTE. A functional connection is used to rq,rcscnt the intcrrcia tions betwern functions represented, br t-sample. by symbols according to ASME Y14.40-6.
3.3 electric connection: conductor or circuit for joining terrni. nals or other conductors.
connection (1501: threaded port, flange, or similar means for connecting a pipeline 10 a wzztpoiient. cf. pvrt (3.13) and tcrnmtal.
interiwl connection: connection in the form of one or more pipelines or conductors that is an integral part of a componentNOTE. As tciber,l ,,.rntsIiv., ILcVIJ nut L, hL,dted insum.k a ponent
3.6 line 11501: abbreviation of the term “pipeline.”
3.7 line 1lEC1 inulLi-pule or multi-phase electric connection.
EXAMPI .E: Power line. telecommunicatmtm linc, tran3mion hne
3.8 caNt insulated conductor or several insulated conductors with a cornnion covering.
3.9 pipe unit: pipeline or, more oftern, several pipelines ina conunon covering pipe with insulation.
3.10 information bus: bus with conductors conveying information.
3.11 unidirectional: having the property to move, transmit, elc. in one direction only.
3.12bidirectional: having the property to move, transmit, etc.in (wo aliernative, opposile direlions.
3.13 port [ISOl: terminus of a fluid passage in a componentto which can be cornected pipelines for the lransmission of fluid to or from the component, cf. comnection (3.4) and terminal.
3.14 conector: component which terminates conductors, flexible pipes, or hoses in order to provide connection and disconnection to a mating component, cf. cornector pnir (3.16).ASME Y14.40.3 pdf download.

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