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ASME Y14.47 pdf free download

ASME Y14.47-2019 pdf free download.Model Organization Practices Engineering Product Definition and Related Documentation Practices.
This Standard establishes a schema for organizing a three-dimensional (3D) model and other associated information within the context of a digital product definition data set for the purpose of conveying a product definition that enables a model-based enterpflse (MlW). This Standard contains no requirements pertaining to drawing graphic sheets. The schema defines a common practice to improve design productivity and to deliver consistent data content and structure to consumers of the data to facilitate common exchange Interfaces.
1.2 Introduction
This Standard outlines model organization schema practices to support model-based definition (MRD) This provides a set of requirements and guidelines for the computer—aided design (CAD) user. It is intended to be the Inundation for design development efforts in an MBE.
Previously. 31) models had an accompanying drawing graphic sheet. With current advances in CAD capabilities, product definition previously shown on a drawing graphic sheet may be defined and displayed directly in the IbIRD. This Is accomplished by utilizing a combination of annotations and naming conventions to organize the 3D model. This makes the 3D model a master source for obtarning product definition data and eliminates the need for a drawing graphic sheet.
The organization practices defined by this Standard are necessary to establish a common method to facilitate access to the MBD djtii In the data set. While the focus of this Standard is Initially on methanical Items, the Intent is to provide a foundation for use in any discipline. The schema are compliant with an annotated model defined in ASME Y14.41.
1.3 ASME Y14 Series Conventions
The conventions in paras 13.1 through 13.10 are guidance used In this and other ASME Y14 standards.
1.3.1 Mandatory, Nonmandatory, Guidance0 and OptionaL Words
(a) The word shalr establishes a mandatory requirement.
(b) The word wilt establishes an intended, mandatory requirement.
(c) The word ‘should establishes a recommended practice.
(d) The word inay establishes an allowed practice.
(e) The words typlcal.’ example. and for reference, and the Latin abbreviation e.g.,’ Indicate suggestions given for guIdance only.
U) The word or’ used In conlunction with a requirement or a recommended practice Indicates that there are two or more options for complying with the stated requirement or practice.
(g) The phrase ‘unless otherwise speclfled (UOS) shall be used to indicate a default requirement. This phrase Is used when the default Is a generally applied requirement, and an exception may be provided by another document or requirement.
1.3.2 Cross-Reference of Standards. Cross-reference of standards In text with or without a date following the Standard designator Is interpreted as follows:
(a) Reference to other ASME Y14 standards in the text without a date following the standard designator indicates the edition of the standard as identified in the Reference-s (section 2) shall be used to meet the requirement.
(b) Reference to other ASME Yl 4 standards in the text with a date following the standard designator Indicates that only that edition shall he used to meet the requiErnient.
1.3.3 Invocation of Referenced Standards. The following examples define the invocation of a standard when specified in the References (section 2) and referenced in this Standard:
(a) When a referenced standard Is cited in the text with no limitations to a specific sub$ect or paragraph(s) of the standard, the entire standard Is Invoked. For example. ‘L)Imensioning and tolerancing shall be in accordance with ASME Y14.5 is Invoking the complete standard because the sublect of the standard Is dimensioning and tolerancing. and no specific subect or paragraph(s) within the standard Is invoked.ASME Y14.47 pdf download.

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